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Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Apple, Facebook to pay women employees for freezing their eggs

Apple and Facebook are reportedly offering to pay up to $20,000 for female employees to freeze their reproductive eggs, in a bid to hold on to their best workers.

Silicon valley firms Facebook and apple will pay female employees to freeze their reproductive eggs aiming to retain and encourage female talent.

Facebook and Apple will appear to be the first major employers to offer this coverage for non-medical reasons.

Apple covers costs under its fertility benefit and Facebook under its surrogacy benefit ,both up to $20,000.

Facebook is famous for giving new parents called baby cash in $20,000.

The option of freezing their eggs would give women to focus on moving up in their careers and flexibility to put their fertility on hold.

It is a very expensive procedure with a price tag of over $10,000 for every round, not every women can afford the option to freeze the eggs.

The report said that taking the step to boost their chances of having kids in the future is worth the uncertainty and with the improving techniques

and success rate there is no guarantee that medical procedure would lead to a

baby in future.

Brigitte Adams (founder of the patient forum ) said having a high-powered career and children is still a very hard things to do.

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