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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Indian, Chinese firms lead tech billionaire list

Indian and Chinese technology business or other organization were leading the top 10 Asian technology billionaire list with $136 billion net assets.

China led with five businessmen with total assets worth $67.1 billion.India led with three businessmen with total assets worth $40.67 billion.
The eight entrepreneurs of china and india combine replaced Japanese and Koreans in bullish stock list.
By joining of Niraj Goel singapore Innovative League with india .India representation in the list is expected to grow in bullish stock list.
Niraj Goel is the youngest tech billionaaire at 45 and ranked sixth,Wipro(Wipro Infotech is a leading manufacturer of computer hardware and provider of IT services in India and thee middle East region) Azim Premji with net worth of$16 is on third and HCL's Shiv Nadar at seven with $11.7.
Masayoshi Son(Masayoshi Son is a Korean-japnese businessman and the founder and current chief excecutive officer of softbank ) is rated second in the list and Lee eighth.Masayoshi with net worth of $16.8 billion and lee kun Hee(Lee Kun-hee is a south Korean bussiness magnate and the chairman of samsung group) represented Samsung with $ 11.4 billion.
An E-Commerce company in china topping the list with a net worth of $20.8 billion.

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  1. Niraj Goel (NRI) is the first who announced such huge investments in India after PM Modi's great efforts to boost Indian Economy.
